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Discover the Power of Mesotherapy at Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto

At Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto, we offer mesotherapy, a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that uses multiple injections of pharmaceutical and homeopathic medications, plant extracts, vitamins, and other ingredients into the subcutaneous fat. It's a versatile treatment that can be used for fat and cellulite reduction, body contouring, and skin rejuvenation. Mesotherapy can also stimulate the body's metabolic processes, improve blood flow, and remove damaged skin cells. Each treatment is tailored to the individual's needs, ensuring optimal results.

no needle mesotherapy

No Needle Mesotherapy

No Needle Mesotherapy, offered at Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto, is a non-invasive alternative to traditional mesotherapy. This treatment uses electroporation, a method that allows substances to be introduced into the cells without needles. It's designed to infuse the skin with a special serum, full of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that can promote healthier and more youthful-looking skin.

  • How It Works

    No Needle Mesotherapy works by using a device that creates an electromagnetic field to open microscopic channels in the skin. This allows the active ingredients in the serum to penetrate deeply and be absorbed more effectively. The treatment stimulates the skin's natural collagen and elastin production, promoting skin rejuvenation and improving its overall appearance.

  • Benefits of No Needle Mesotherapy

    No Needle Mesotherapy at Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto offers numerous benefits. It's a painless and non-invasive treatment that can improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. It can also help to hydrate the skin, improve its tone and texture, and give it a more youthful appearance. The treatment is suitable for all skin types and requires no downtime.

  • Treatable Areas

    No Needle Mesotherapy can be used on various parts of the body, including the face, neck, décolleté, and hands. It's particularly effective in areas showing signs of aging or skin damage. Whether you're looking to rejuvenate your skin, reduce the appearance of cellulite, or improve the tone and texture of your skin, No Needle Mesotherapy is a versatile treatment that can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

  • Pre and Post Care Instruction

    Before your No Needle Mesotherapy treatment at Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto, it's recommended to cleanse the skin and remove any makeup. There's no specific preparation needed for the treatment. 

    After the procedure, it's important to avoid sun exposure and use a good quality sunscreen. Also, keeping the skin hydrated and maintaining a healthy diet can help enhance the results. As always, follow the specific pre and post care instructions provided by your treatment professional for optimal results.

Injectable Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy, offered at Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto, is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that involves the injection of various substances into the skin's subcutaneous fat layer. These substances can include vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts, and are used to rejuvenate and tighten the skin, as well as remove excess fat.

  • How It Works

    Mesotherapy works by delivering nourishing substances directly to the layers of the skin where cell repair and growth occur. These substances are administered through numerous micro-injections using a special mesotherapy gun. The exact composition of the injection depends on the specific needs and goals of the patient. 

    The treatment stimulates the body's metabolic processes, improves blood circulation, and promotes the removal of fat deposits. The injections essentially aim to 'trick' the middle layer of skin (mesoderm) into believing it's been injured, causing it to initiate a healing response and stimulate collagen and elastin production.

  • Benefits of Mesotherapy

    Mesotherapy offers numerous benefits. It's a highly effective treatment for improving the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and cellulite. It can also promote weight loss by breaking down fat and flushing it from the body. 

    Moreover, mesotherapy can rejuvenate the skin, giving it a more youthful and radiant appearance. The treatment can also help to recontour the body, lighten pigmented skin, and treat alopecia, a condition that causes hair loss. The results are often immediate and improve with each treatment session.

  • Treatable Areas

    Mesotherapy is a versatile treatment that can be used to address a variety of areas on the body. It's often used for face and neck rejuvenation, to reduce cellulite and localized fat deposits on areas like the thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, and belly. It can also be used to treat aging and sagging skin anywhere on the body. Additionally, mesotherapy can be used for hair regrowth in both men and women suffering from alopecia.

  • Pre and Post Care Instruction

    Before undergoing Mesotherapy at Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto, it's recommended to avoid any anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin for at least a week, as these can increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. It's also advisable to stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet. 

    After the treatment, it's important to continue with a balanced diet and regular exercise to help the body naturally remove the fat cells. Avoid alcohol, strenuous exercise, and exposure to heat or sun for at least 48 hours after the treatment. As always, follow the specific pre and post care instructions provided by your treatment professional for optimal results.


Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions section, specifically designed to address your queries about our Mesotherapy services. At Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto, we believe in the importance of providing our clients with comprehensive information about our treatments. Mesotherapy is a unique treatment that can address a variety of skin and body concerns, but we understand that you may have questions about the process, its benefits, and its safety. To help you better understand this treatment, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions about our mesotherapy services. We hope these detailed responses will provide you with a clearer understanding of the treatment and its benefits.

  • Is Mesotherapy safe?

    Mesotherapy is generally considered a safe treatment with few side effects. However, as with any cosmetic procedure, there are potential risks and complications. These may include minor bruising, swelling, or redness at the injection sites, which typically subside within a few days. 

    Allergic reactions are rare but can occur. At Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto, we conduct a thorough consultation and skin analysis before any treatment to ensure it's safe and suitable for you. We use only high-quality, approved substances in our mesotherapy injections, and all treatments are performed by trained professionals to ensure your safety.

  • How many Mesotherapy sessions will I need?

    The number of mesotherapy sessions needed varies depending on the individual's skin condition and desired results. On average, most people require 3-6 treatments spaced about 1-2 weeks apart for optimal results. For more severe skin concerns or for fat reduction, additional sessions may be necessary. 

    During your consultation, we will assess your skin and discuss your goals to develop a personalized treatment plan that suits your needs. At Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto, we strive to provide personalized care that addresses your specific concerns and enhances your natural beauty.

  • What can I expect after a Mesotherapy treatment?

    After a mesotherapy treatment, you may notice some redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites. These side effects are typically mild and subside within a few days. Most people can return to their normal activities immediately after treatment. 

    The results of mesotherapy are not immediate and typically develop over several weeks as the injected substances work to improve skin health and reduce fat. For optimal results, multiple treatment sessions may be necessary. We will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and the best possible results.

Other Services

At Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto, we offer a comprehensive range of advanced cosmetic treatments tailored to your unique needs. From rejuvenating your skin to sculpting your body, our services are designed to enhance your natural beauty. Our certified technicians use the latest technologies to deliver safe and effective treatments, helping you feel confident and be the best version of yourself.

two teenagers with eyepatches

Ideal Dream: Your Destination for Skin Rejuvenation

At Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto, we offer advanced skin rejuvenation treatments designed to restore your skin's youthful glow. Our treatments can effectively address a variety of skin concerns, including wrinkles, fine lines, sun damage, and uneven skin tone. By stimulating your skin's natural healing process, our skin rejuvenation services can help you achieve smoother, firmer, and more radiant skin.

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