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Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic FAQ


At Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto, we believe in empowering our clients with knowledge about our range of services. Understanding the nuances of each treatment can help you make informed decisions about your skincare journey. To assist you, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions that delve deeper into the specifics of our treatments, beyond the basic understanding of what they are and how they work. 

  • How long does a Microdermabrasion session typically take?

    A typical microdermabrasion session at Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the area being treated. This makes it a convenient option for those with busy schedules as it can easily be done during a lunch break. It's often referred to as a "lunchtime facial" due to its quick and easy procedure.

  • Can I wear makeup immediately after a Microdermabrasion treatment?

    It's recommended to wait at least a day before applying makeup after a microdermabrasion treatment. This is because the procedure can leave your skin slightly red and sensitive. Applying makeup immediately after can irritate the skin and potentially lead to breakouts. It's best to let your skin rest and recover for a day before returning to your regular makeup routine.

  • How many RF Body Contouring sessions will I need to see results?

    The number of RF Body Contouring sessions needed varies from person to person, depending on their specific goals and the area being treated. However, most clients at Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto start to see noticeable results after 6 to 8 sessions. It's important to remember that these treatments should be paired with a balanced diet and regular exercise for optimal results.

  • What should I do to prepare for a treatment session?

    Preparation for a treatment session depends on the specific service. However, generally, it's recommended to be well-hydrated, avoid sun exposure, and discontinue the use of any irritant topical products a few days before your treatment. Our team will provide detailed pre-treatment instructions based on the service you're receiving.

  • Is Mesotherapy painful?

    Most clients describe mesotherapy as mildly uncomfortable rather than painful. At Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto, we apply a topical numbing cream to the treatment area to ensure your comfort during the procedure. The needles used in mesotherapy are very fine, and the injections are only superficial, making the treatment relatively painless.

  • Can Microneedling help with hair loss?

    Yes, microneedling can be an effective treatment for hair loss in both men and women. The procedure involves injecting a special cocktail of nutrients, vitamins, and other ingredients into the scalp to improve blood circulation and deliver essential nutrients to the hair follicles, promoting hair growth and reducing hair loss.

  • How soon can I return to my normal activities after a Mesotherapy treatment?

    Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure with little to no downtime. Most clients at Ideal Dream - Laser Clinic Toronto are able to return to their normal activities immediately after the treatment. However, it's recommended to avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours post-treatment.

good looking woman with clear skin

Enhance Your Natural Beauty

At Ideal Beauty Clinic, we offer a comprehensive suite of advanced cosmetic treatments designed to enhance your natural beauty. Our services range from skin rejuvenation and body sculpting to laser hair removal and injectable treatments. Each service is delivered by our team of certified professionals using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques. We prioritize your safety, satisfaction, and comfort, providing personalized care that meets your unique beauty goals. Experience the transformation and be the best version of yourself with Ideal Beauty Clinic.

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